Monday, April 11, 2011
Multiple Intelligence
Fun Maths To Learn
Something fun, to be precise....
I got two here, hehehe....
Show this to your students, that'll make you look smart hehe :)
Favorite Psychologist
I was educated under the spoon fed system.
And trust me, it only produces brains that are not critical and not creative, boring.
All these years, before entering UM, I read about creativity teaching in education in other developed countries.
Well, I was wondering how they do that, and why aren't they fail?
Because I heard in some case, the children are over pampered in education until they learn nothing at all.
In my first year in UM, I've taken the "Educational Psychology".
The first time I met Jean Piaget, literally, I was so amazed by his theories.
Those stages of development, it was like a proof, or should I say, a recipe, of how my life is cooked up.
I was like, "Whoa, I have know this all along when I was young. Why didn't I've ever thought of that?"
Jean Piaget is a genius, pure genius.
His theories is like the last missing jigsaw puzzle to my whole picture of free thinking learning.
I love free and liberal thinking, and I hate the monotonous education system.
That's why I am gonna make a change on it, painting it with colours.
His passion for the kids is what makes me feel touch.
No one ever treat a kid for serious, except him.
He can just sit and watch those kids' behavior.
That makes a giant step in humanity.
Because we don't just make monotonous brains, we make creative brains.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Why Are You So Stupid? (SLOW LEARNERS)
Carl Rogers
Rogers created what he called the self theory.
The self theory focuses on the idea that we are all inherently good people and we all want to reach our potential- he called this our actualizing tendency.
To reach this potential we need three things, genuineness, acceptance and empathy.
Genuineness is the idea that you are totally open with your own feelings.
Everyday each one of us walks around trying to live up to the image of how we want others to see us.
Instead, Rogers wants us to drop the facade and become our true selves.
Empathy is the concept that we can listen, understand and mirror what others are feeling. Being able to put yourself into someone else's shoes and grasp how they feel at that moment is a test of empathy.
Finally, Roger's believed we need acceptance to grow and reach our potential.
We believed that we should accept both ourselves and others without reservation and he called this notion unconditional positive regard.
If a parent accepts you just if you get good grades, how will that make you fell?
But if a parent accepts their child unconditionally, a child's growth will be positive.

Monday, March 14, 2011
Have you heard Skemp and Dienes before?
Monday, March 7, 2011
Constructivism! Constructionism!
Well let me tell you, these two words are not the same things, and I didn't spell it wrong as a matter of fact.
What are those?
Well, I don't know either, so I can't tell you.
But I'll tell when I ready ok?
See ya!